Looking for Quality Coffee Assurance for under $140 a month?
Photovolt Instruments is pleased to introduce a lease program for the Model 580-PC from our Roast Coffee Color Classification product line. For less than $140 a month, small businesses and independent roasters have the opportunity to conveniently allocate funds to assure quality. The durable and reliable 580-PC provides easy-to-read SCAA classification measurements with a digital data save feature. The leasing package includes the “D” search unit, traceable calibration plaques, amber filter, glass cuvettes and operating software.
For a total upfront cost of $790, you will have a complete system for top-of-the-line quality control. The initial payment of $790 includes the first month’s rental fee, as well as a down payment of $500 that goes toward the final purchase price of the unit. The purchase price of the unit is $6,500. This is a 60-month lease with monthly payments of $139.75. There is $1.00 purchase option at the end for qualified buyers. Additional sales tax varies by state. International companies are subject to additional approval.
To start, download the LEASE APPLICATION and send it in to Ann Hildreth at Ann.Hildreth@photovolt.com,or Steve Babor at SteveG@balboacapital.com
The lease program is subject to review and approval by Balboa Capital and Photovolt Instruments. If you have additional questions, contact the following:
Steve Babor
Balboa Capital
Phone: 877.407.7927
Ann Hildreth
Photovolt Instruments
Tel: 800.222.5711
Fax: 952.926.5498
Mobile: 952.428.8667